Technical Computing Camp 2017 Archive

Technical Computing Camp 2017


Already the fourth year of the Technical Computing Camp we organized again in the Hotel Fountain on the Brno Dam on 7.-8.9.2017.

The two-day TCC format allowed us to offer participants a diverse program this year as well:
  • Our lectures – news in MATLAB and COMSOL Multiphysics systems.
  • Lectures of invited users.
  • Showcase – practical demonstrations of the use of our tools in the form of a mini-exhibition
  • Competition for the best user project.
  • Creative workshop – an opportunity for teamwork on simple tasks.
  • Partner exposure.

On Thursday morning, our application engineers presented the most important innovations in the development of our tools and demonstrated their use in areas where we are experiencing rapid development – machine learning, robotics, autonomous driving of vehicles and the Internet of Things.

The afternoon was reserved for invited lectures of experienced users, who introduced us to the use of programs in their projects. Mr. Martin Šiler from the Institute of Instrument Technology of the CAS showed advanced techniques of programming GUI applications using the Raman spectroscopy application. Mr. Filip Plešinger from the same institute informed about algorithms for processing signals sensed from the human body in order to identify life-threatening arrhythmias, with which his team won the prestigious competition “PhysioNet/Com­puting in Cardiology Challenge”. Mr. Pavel Potoček from the company Thermo Fisher Scientific gave an interesting lecture about a number of tasks that need to be solved during compressed scanning of images from electron microscope. Mr. Ľuboslav Slezák introduced us to the vision of development at Schaeffler, a manufacturer of bearings and precise components of motors and transmissions. Mr. Václav Sedmidubský from the Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS informed us about the state of development of fusion devices, fans of power generation in this elegant way delighted by the information that in the world is already underway the design and construction of tokamaks, which will have a positive energy balance.

Although there was less time for workshops with COMSOL Multiphysics before dinner thanks to the slippage of the previous program, my colleague Matouš Lorenc managed to show the participants who were interested in COMSOL everything we had planned.

The chef of the Fontana Hotel prepared delicious grilled dishes for dinner, the weather was good, and this year the program stretched well into the evening. The group of Night Riders from the company Argo Hytos accepted our challenge and during the evening created a model of a smart building controlled by a microcomputer Arduino programmed in Simulink, with which they participated in a competition in the morning.

On Friday morning we started with a warm-up quiz, your knowledge of our tools so good that you knew the answers almost immediately. The authors of the quiz will have to think next time and prepare harder questions.

This year, 8 teams with theoretical and practical contributions entered the competition for the best user project. All the contributions garnered considerable interest from the audience. An expert jury led by Prof. Petr Dostál from VUT then announced the results – the winner was Mr. Václav Sedmidubský with a contribution “Magnetic field of the C-coil used for “projection of plasmas” on the diverter of the tokamak”. A description of the projects and the resulting order of the competition can be found in this presentation.

I would like to invite you who work with our tools to participate in next year's competition! The competition is open to all users (business, home use, student work).

During the competition, we from Humusoft also prepared a non-competitive show of demonstration examples, an overview of which can also be found in the presentation above.

At the end of the camp in the afternoon we again prepared the Creative Workshop, where you in teams under our leadership tried out solutions for several tasks.

I would like to thank the speakers, participants of the competition and all other participants for their contribution to the success of the event.

Hotel Fontána provided us with a suitable and pleasant background for the event, we decided to organize next year in the same place again. The date is already set, write in your calendars the date of Technical Computing Camp 2018: September 6–7 next year!
Technical Computing Camp 2017
Technical Computing Camp 2017
Technical Computing Camp 2017