Technical Computing Camp 2016 Archive

Presentation of live samples, or See, Know, Try

Arduino weather station

measurement of meteorological variables using Arduino UNO, automatic upload to ThingSpeak portal

Arduino tea cooler

equipment for cooling hot tea by concentrated air flow – temperature measurement, DC motor speed control

Arduino thermometer with indicator

thermometer with mechanical indicator controlled by servo motor implemented on Arduino platform

Motion tracking with Raspberry Pi

tracking moving objects using the Optical Flow algorithm implemented on the Raspberry Pi platform

Visual Theremin

a musical instrument controlled by the position of a green ball implemented on the Raspberry Pi platform

Rekonstrukce 3-D scény

live reconstruction of 3-D objects from images captured by a pair of cameras

NAO robot

control of NAO robot using MATLAB and Kinect v2 in Robot Operating System

Sorting cubes

sorting coloured bricks using LEGO and Stateflow


real-time audio signal filtering

Creative workshop – solving tasks in small groups
