COMSOL Multiphysics 2019 Conference Archive

COMSOL Multiphysics 2019 Conference


This year's COMSOL Multiphysics Conference took place again in Bořetice, Moravia, this time on 23.-24.5. 2019. As every year, we met some of the participants already on Wednesday, 22 May. The conference program was visited by 60 participants (15 more than last year), more than half of whom arrived on Wednesday, when the program was a walk through Mr. Jambor's vineyards. Fortunately, Wednesday was marked by rain, so we ended up in the cellar, where the weather is still beautiful. Thursday's bre­akfast showed clearly who had arrived already on Wednesday.

Thursday's program started with the traditional introductory word and presentation of new products in COMSOL Multiphysics, COMSOL Server and newly also COMSOL Compiler. The morning was followed by a workshop on Simulation of coils and wireless power transmission. After lunch we had a presentation of the invited guest, who was this time from far away. The guest was application engineer Jonas Lejon directly from the Swedish development company COMSOL AB. The presentation of „Multiphysics Modeling and Simulations“ was particularly beneficial for users of the COMSOL Multiphysics software. Those interested in the software appreciated contact with someone connected to the code developer. Jonas was replaced by a colleague Matouš Lorenc, who showed at the workshop how to move networks in COMSOL Multiphysics. The afternoon program ended with Jonas again with a very detailed lecture on contact roles in structural mechanics, which was appreciated by all users simulating flexibility and strength. In subsequent discussions Jonas devoted himself to models of our customers and consultations with those interested in the simulations in COMSOL.

Program konference se naplno rozproudil ve čtvrtek večer, kdy jsme opět (tentokrát již v plném počtu) navštívili 330 let starý vinný sklípek „U Jamborů” v Bořeticích. Kdo nikdy nenavštívil naši konferenci, nepochopí. Zhruba v půl druhé ráno jsem byl svědkem naprosto neřízených diskuzí mezi biomechaniky, elektroinženýry, výpočtáři dekontaminace půd, strojaři počítajícími strukturální mechaniku nebo proudění či převodovky. Zkrátka interdisciplinární řízená degustace s neřízenou zábavou a desítkami rozhovorů na různá témata. Kolem druhé ráno jsme sklípek zavírali, ale někteří účastníci pokračovali v diskuzi na hotelových pokojích. Věděli jste například, že červeným vínem politá košile lze vyčistit vínem bílým?

Friday's program consisted of 12 lectures by our users, another 2 did not fit into the program and will be published in an article on our blog. The lectures were at a high level. They covered almost the entire spectrum of fields that COMSOL offers in the form of modules. From numerical analysis of electron microscope through simulations of bentonite saturation, modeling of thermal effects of electro-stimulation process on living tissue, simulations in power electronics, modeling of electrical activity of the heart or simulations of NV Diamond Quantum chip. After the break, the contributions of laser-tissue interaction, self-arranged and tuneable colloidal waveguide as gradient lens, propagation of microwaves, simulation of deformation field around V-pit defects, simulation of elastoplastic stresses in tribological test and a great lecture on water pump simulation continued. You can see most of the contributions in our gallery. The last day of the conference ended this year with a mini-course on multiphase flow, where it was outlined what lies behind the individual algorithms for this type of simulations.

It has been a great honour to see the progress our users have made in their fields thanks to the COMSOL tools. It is a reward for our service in the form of technical support, which we take very seriously. We thank all the presenters and every participant for the great atmosphere they have created this year.

See you at COMSOL Multiphysics 2020.

Martin Kožíšek

COMSOL Multiphysics 2019 Conference